Ashley Kyles

Ashley Kyles Web Administrator / Graphic Designer

With more than 10 years of experience in user design and web development, Ashley Kyles brings creativity to her role as Broadcast Management Group's graphic designer and web developer. Read Bio

With more than 10 years of experience in user design and web development, Ashley Kyles brings creativity to her role as Broadcast Management Group’s graphic designer and web developer.

Ashley has had a passion for the web and digital graphic art since her freshman year of college. She taught herself how to program for the web before she chose her major.  She eventually became Illinois State University’s online editor and web administrator for their news publication The Daily Vidette. She held this position for three years until graduating with a degree in Web Development. She has been a part of many of Chicagoland’s top development teams as a web designer and content manager.

Beginning her career as a graphic designer, she eventually transitioned to web developer and  aspired to specialize in WordPress development. She is now the web content administrator of BMG’s official web portal. She has a unique perspective on web design, often combining her programming skills with her sharp creative eye for user interface design to create the most robust, visually pleasing, and scalable websites possible. She has many years of experience in rebuilding websites, refurbishing brands, creating e-marketing strategies, and defining user experiences for companies like TeachHub, Buck Agency, HIMMs, and NowPow.


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